Quick Sweat Fitness Dice
- Designed by a military fitness expert, used by the US military
- Never do the same workout twice: Kills boredom, increases your motivation
- Play anywhere: no equipment is needed
- Easy to learn: Sergeant Volkin demonstrates each exercise (see below for videos)
- Progressive difficulty: challenging for both beginners and experts

Want more Fitness Dice?
- Beginner, Normal, and Advanced Difficulty Dice Sets
- Organized in a beautiful leatherette case
Exercise Demonstration Videos
Normal Difficulty Dice Set
Beginner Difficulty Dice Set
Advanced Difficulty Dice Set
The Games
Rules: Roll all the dice and do the exercises that appear. You get one point for each rep. Do not rest between exercises.
Objective: See how fast you can earn 50, 100, 150 (etc) points depending on your fitness level and available time. Try to beat your old time.
Rules: Roll all the dice and do the exercises that appear. You get one point for each rep. Do not rest between exercises.
Objective: See how many points you can earn in 5, 10, or 15 (etc) minutes depending on your fitness level and available time. Try to beat your old record.
Rules: Roll all the dice and do the exercises that appear. You get one point for each rep. Do not rest between exercises.
A round consists of a timed period of exercise followed by a timed period of rest. For example: 1 minute of exercise followed by 1 minute of rest is one round.
Objective: Get as many points as possible in a 1, 2, or 3 minute round. Rest a specific time period (example 30 seconds), and perform another round. Start out with 3 rounds and add more rounds as your fitness level increases. Record the total points you’ve earned and the total number of rounds. Try to beat your old record.
Roll all the dice. Look at the results of the roll and decide if you want to take the roll or pass. If you take the roll, perform the exercises. You get one point for each rep. Do not rest between exercises.
If you choose to pass, your opponent must complete the exercises. If s/he does not complete them, then the remaining points are awarded to you. For example, if the 6 rep count die is rolled, that gives the player 30 possible points (6 rep count die X 5 exercise die). If the player performs only 20 reps, then 20 points are awarded and 10 points (30 – 20) are given to the opponent.
There are multiple ways to win:
The first to 100, 200, etc points wins (choose a number based on your fitness level and time available).
The person with the most points after 15, 20, or 25 minutes wins (choose a time based on your fitness level and available time).
Before the game begins, agree on the number of rounds and the rest period between rounds (we recommend rest periods of 30, 60, or 90 seconds).
Roll all the dice and arrange them so they are easily seen by both players. After a 3-2-1 count, race to complete all the exercises at the number of reps indicated by the white dice. The winner receives one point and gets to rest while his/her opponent finishes the exercises.
After the round, both players rest for the pre-determined time period and then race for another round. After all rounds are completed, whoever won the most rounds is the winner.